Workshop Program

Wednesday, October 9 2024 (without PIs), Room: Graswangtal

Arrival and Check-in
Lunch Break
Workshop: Meeting Management
Speaker: Alina Krößer
Walk / Hike

Thursday, October 10 2024, Room: Graswangtal

Talks by ConVeY Members
Computing Inductive Invariants of Regular Abstraction Frameworks (slides)
Speaker: Philipp Czerner

Abstract Regular transition systems (RTS) are a popular formalism for modelling infinite-state systems in general, and parameterised systems in particular. In a CONCUR 22 paper, Esparza et al. introduce a novel approach to the verification of RTS, based on inductive invariants. The approach computes the intersection of all inductive invariants of a given RTS that can be expressed as CNF formulas with a bounded number of clauses, and uses it to construct an automaton recognising an overapproximation of the reachable configurations. The paper shows that the problem of deciding if the language of this automaton intersects a given regular set of unsafe configurations is in EXPSPACE and PSPACE-hard. We introduce regular abstraction frameworks, a generalisation of the approach of Esparza et al., very similar to the regular abstractions of Hong and Lin. A framework consists of a regular language of constraints, and a transducer, called the interpretation, that assigns to each constraint the set of configurations of the RTS satisfying it. Examples of regular abstraction frameworks include the formulas of Esparza et al., octagons, bounded difference matrices, and views. We show that the generalisation of the decision problem above to regular abstraction frameworks remains in EXPSPACE, and prove a matching (non-trivial) EXPSPACE-hardness bound. EXPSPACE-hardness implies that, in the worst case, the automaton recognising the overapproximation of the reachable configurations has a double-exponential number of states. We introduce a learning algorithm that computes this automaton in a lazy manner, stopping whenever the current hypothesis is already strong enough to prove safety. We report on an implementation and show that our experimental results improve on those of Esparza et al.

FM-Weck: Containerizing FM-Tool executions (slides)
Speaker: Henrik Wachowitz

Ensuring software correctness is critical for society and industry, and formal methods are essential for guaranteeing functional correctness. While many software verifiers exist (over 50 for C and Java), they are often difficult to find, install, and use. FM-Weck addresses this by providing a fully automatic, zero-configuration setup for a wide range of verifiers, using metadata formats developed by tool creators and used in international competitions like SV-COMP and Test-Comp. This enables easy, reproducible access to state-of-the-art formal verification tools without requiring expertise.

Coffee Break
Poster Session
Workshop: Finding Collaborations (slides)
Coffee Break
General Assembly

Friday, October 11 2024, Room: Graswangtal

Ask me Anything with PIs
Group Picture
Coffee Break
Introductory Tutorial: Hands-on Session for Isabelle
Speaker: Maximilian Schäffeler
Peer Review Session
Speaker: Marvin Brieger and Matthias Kettl
Feedback Session and Goodbye